I guess it’s only natural to get a little bit jealous while you watch a hung stud pounding the hell out of a tight pussy. You wish that you had a cock as thick as that and you obviously wish that you had the pussy to go with it. I couldn’t tell you how many times I have been watching big dick porn only to imagine how she would feel taking my dick in as far as that dude is giving it to her.
I sure wouldn’t go easy on her that’s for sure. I might have a few inches less but like so many of you we make up for that lack of cock with a passion that beats it in an instant. The real game-changer has always been Youjizz.com and all the fuck hard videos that they have for you to watch online. I make sure I give it at least a visit or two a day just because they always have what my dick is looking for. Give yourself the boost that you need and at least give these girls something to crave if at the very least it isn’t exactly as big as they usually get!