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Posted By admin on 01/18/12 - Bookmark Jurassic Cock

The porn world is a beautiful place filled with many beautiful people. Ron Jeremy is not one of them. But that hasn’t stopped this well hung porn star from getting his fair share of beautiful starlets like Parker Page. With sites like Jurassic Cock he has found a whole new stream of girls just waiting to pounce on his beastly sword!

As with most of the sites in the Porn Pros network Jurassic Cock updates weekly and gives you access to the entire network. With one password you get unlimited access to some truly insane porn sites!

If you like the young beauties on JurassicCock.com you are sure to love the girls on 18 Years Old. Both sites share a lot of the same babes so you can see a girl in multiple genres!

Even if you cancel you can still enjoy all of the movies you have downloaded when you use Porn Pros. They don’t use any of that digital rights management crap others are using. All of the videos are encoded in multiple formats and sizes so you can watch them even on your cell phone!

So go on!

Share this site with the boys at the water cooler tomorrow. Let them know that there is still hope. Somewhere out there is a cast of young ladies chomping at the bit to get some Jurassic Cock inside them!

Posted By admin on 12/22/11 - Bookmark Jurassic Cock


Some guys get all of the luck… and all of the poon-tang too!

This old chap is none other than the porn star legend Ron Jeremy.

But before we get to him and AJ Estrada lets put something into perspective first, shall we? Think about how many times you have jacked off in your lifetime. Remember that there were days you masturbated twice… three times… four? You crazy old fucker, you!

Now add all of those times up. OK… This Ron Jeremy guy, he’s fucked more girls than you have fucked your hand! Pretty fucking amazing, huh? We are talking up into the tens of thousands!

So it should come as no surprise that he was first in line when the fellas at Porn Pros said they were opening a new site featuring Jurassic Cock getting laid by young teenage girls!

I have younger friends I hang out with in my poker group that hate this guy. I tell them, don’t hate – congratulate! Then I caution them that they won’t stay young forever and that they should hope to be so lucky!

Well, time for me to try and offset Ron Jeremy’s insane lead…

Grab a Porn Pros pass and get JurassicCock.com, plus a buttload of other crazy sites they run!

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